Commercial Pest Control

Surya Pest Control Services offers a variety of services for most commercial establishments. Depending on the type of property as well of the level of pest involvement, we will perform an initial assessment of the building / grounds and then recommend the most effective plan to rid your business, community or facility of unwanted pests. We service individual offices, office parks, and community common grounds areas such as clubhouses and pool areas. Our treatment plans are based on the type of commercial property we are treating. Not all properties and pest infestations are alike. We will do a thorough examination of the property to develop the best strategy for your location, and present you with a treatment plan.


After the first treatment, service thereafter is generally performed on customer need on subsequent visits; the exterior is treated exclusively unless you have a problem inside. If you have problems on the interior of the residence we will treat them at no additional charge. This eliminates excessive chemicals being applied in your home without any true need and gives you the freedom of not needing to be home for scheduled treatments.
